Don't Just Survive,
Take Control, And Thrive

Unlock Your Healing Potential

Personalized Ayurvedic Health Coaching


Do you feel a deep yearning for a healthier, more balanced you? Perhaps a sense of disquiet or untapped potential? Ayurveda offers a roadmap to unlock your full well-being through personalized guidance. In our one-on-one coaching sessions, we'll work together to understand your unique needs and create a customized plan using ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. Embrace your transformation and thrive on all levels.

As a successful health coach, I've seen (and experienced) firsthand the limitations of generic approaches. Now, I leverage my expertise to provide personalized Ayurvedic coaching for lasting results.

I love helping people heal their gut for good and build the life and body they know they deserve.

We all crave more freedom to do what we love, but sometimes we forget it’s within our reach. Or maybe you’re not even sure what is possible to claim?

If you’ve reached a point where you’re ready to grow again, to have energy again, or simply to enjoy your life without being knocked around from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, trying everything under the sun and getting nowhere… I’m here to help.

I can guide you toward the health you know you deserve.

I bring a massive amount of experience from my own journey and the stories, situations from all of my clients before you. To be able to provide you a level of expertise that few have in this field.

I can help you reach a level of health you’ve never experienced before.

So you can move forward with peace of mind, knowing that your body is a strong and reliable as you take on life’s bigger challenges.

I have tried every new 'health tactic' out there - alkaline water, coffee enema, fruitarian, etc. I have struggled with Candida for 10+ years. Working with Austin, he got me on the right food and herbs that transformed my digestion SO FAST, few days. And his wise instruction on handling my mind and incorporating meditation into my life has been indispensable. Deep gratitude to you, Austin.

Patrick, Founder, HARA

I had IBS-D and was losing my bowels every morning, 4x or more a day. I knew I needed a solution when I was traveling and seeing one of my clients, and I was just so uncomfortable... I was so amazed working with Austin. The time he took to understand my situation and really diagnose me was above and beyond. His WEALTH of knowledge is amazing. He completely transformed my health and my perception of it! I cannot recommend him enough, thanks Austin!

Caren Paskel, Author, Founder of Self-Evolution Education Foundation, Spiritual Educator and Leader

I have been suffering from frequent anxiety attacks, as many as 6 a week. I also have terrible IBS and acne. When working with Austin my anxiety attacks started reducing week by week to the point I could actually feel excited about the day! And my digestion is soo much better. I am able to eat regularly now and have started to incorporate foods that I once strictly avoided, so great!

Carolyn,  Youth Counselor, KMM

Cutting Through the Noise: Finding What Truly Works for You

It’s easy to get caught up with all the voices online telling you what to do. A quick scroll through social media exposes you to hundreds of people telling you how to live your life, what to eat, what to drink, how to take a shower, and even what type of plate you should be eating on! It’s no wonder so many people feel overwhelmed and confused about their health.

The health and wellness space is saturated with noise, and it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of constantly adding more to your routine or bouncing between fad diets, juicing cleanses, keto, carnivore, and everything in between. Each program, each “one secret,” is marketed as the missing piece to your puzzle.

It’s understandable. We’re hopeful creatures, always seeking that next step to better health, so we try different paths—sometimes to our benefit, other times to our detriment.

What makes Ayurveda and working with me so different is that there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach. You may have heard that there’s a specific diet for each dosha, but even that can be too limiting. In my practice, no two clients have ever had the same routine. One person might need more protein, another more carbs, while another might benefit from fresh-pressed juices. The truth is, there are as many unique needs as there are people on this earth.

This is both the beauty and the challenge of Ayurveda. We crave personalization, but it can be uncomfortable to step into the unknown. Don’t worry—I’m here to create that personalized pathway for you. Once we’ve addressed your specific needs and brought you into balance, maintaining your health becomes straightforward with the tools we’ve developed together.

You’re Perfect for One-on-one Health Coaching If…


You believe in the power of a healthy body and mind to achieve your goals. Even though you have a positive outlook, you also recognize there's always room to optimize your well-being.


You actively seek knowledge and recognize the value of personalized guidance. You're excited to explore new possibilities and unlock your full potential with the support of an experienced coach.


You understand the mind-body connection and juggle a demanding life. You're ready to ditch quick fixes and invest in sustainable, personalized strategies that integrate seamlessly with your busy schedule.


1. You’re looking to just take a magic pill to heal all
2. You don’t really want to do change and you’re looking for a quick fix
3. You’re not willing to learn anything new and question nothing
4. You put things off and then flake out

What Does This Health Coaching Look Like?

Your Personalized Ayurvedic Coaching Journey: Step by Step

1. Initial Discovery Session

  • What to Expect: We begin with a comprehensive consultation where I take the time to understand your unique health history, lifestyle, and goals. We’ll discuss your current challenges, past health experiences, and what you hope to achieve through Ayurvedic coaching.

  • Purpose: This session sets the foundation for our work together, allowing me to create a personalized plan that’s tailored to your specific needs.

2. Customized Wellness Plan

  • What to Expect: I’ll create a personalized wellness plan that includes dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, herbal recommendations, and Ayurvedic practices designed specifically for you. This plan is tailored to your constitution, current state of health/ disease, and life circumstances, ensuring it’s both effective and sustainable.

  • Your wellness plan serves as your roadmap to achieving better health, providing clear and actionable steps to guide you on your journey. Comes complete with a habit tracker to make it easy to follow along with your progress

3. Ongoing Support and Adjustments

  • As you implement your personalized plan, we’ll have regular check-ins (bi-weekly) to track your progress, address any challenges, and make necessary adjustments. This may include tweaking, adding or subtracting to your diet, Ayurvedic practices, or lifestyle habits to better support your goals.

  • Ongoing support is the bread and butter of this program as it ensures that you stay on track and continue to make progress. It also allows for flexibility in your plan, adapting to any changes in your life or health. It is a space for us to learn more. For me to learn more about you and your bodies response to therapies. A space for you to learn more about understanding the signals your body is giving you and how to accurately read and respond to that.

4. Education and Empowerment

  • Throughout our coaching relationship, I’ll teach you the principles of Ayurveda and how to apply them in your daily life. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your body, how to maintain balance, and how to prevent future health issues.

  • The goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to take control of your health, so you can make informed decisions and sustain your well-being long after our coaching has concluded.

5. Long-Term Transformation

  • As you continue to follow your personalized plan and integrate Ayurvedic practices into your life, you’ll begin to experience profound changes in your health, energy levels, and overall well-being. You’ll feel more balanced, more vibrant, and more in tune with your body’s needs.

  • The ultimate goal of our coaching is to help you achieve long-term transformation, so you can live your life with vitality, confidence, and peace of mind.

6. Maintenance and Ongoing Support

  • After reaching your initial goals/ our time together, we’ll develop a maintenance plan to ensure you continue to thrive. You can opt for periodic check-ins or seasonal tune-ups to keep your health on track and address any new challenges that arise.

  • Continued support helps you maintain the progress you’ve made and ensures that you have a reliable partner in your ongoing health journey.

Three Levels of Service to Choose From:


great starting point for those new to Ayurveda and seeking foundational understanding

Initial Consultation (~120 minutes): We’ll dive deep into your health history, explore your goals, and assess your unique dosha to set the stage for your personalized journey.

Four Coaching Sessions (45-90 minutes each): These sessions are designed to monitor your progress, answer any questions you have, and fine-tune your wellness plan as you implement Ayurvedic practices.

Personalized Ayurvedic Recommendations: Receive a customized set of Ayurvedic guidelines tailored to your needs, along with a weekly tracker to keep you accountable and on course.

Ayurvedic Nutrition Guide: Learn the essential principles of Ayurvedic nutrition, empowering you to incorporate these time-honored practices into your daily routine for ongoing healing and vitality.

Thrive Flagship

builds on foundational knowledge and provides deeper customization

Everything in Foundations: All the essentials from the Thrive Foundations package, plus more.

Eight Bi-weekly Coaching Sessions (45-90 minutes each): Enjoy longer series of check-ins to ensure your progress is on track, with personalized adjustments to your plan as needed.

Custom Meal Plan: A meal plan specifically crafted to align with your dosha and unique dietary needs, helping you stay nourished and balanced.

Advanced Herbal Recommendations: Receive expert guidance on incorporating potent Ayurvedic herbs into your routine to enhance your healing process.

Email Support: Stay connected between sessions with email access for any questions or additional guidance you might need.

Thrive Total Transformation

high-touch program for those seeking a complete Ayurvedic transformation

Everything in Flagship: All the benefits of the Thrive Flagship Program

16 Bi-weekly Coaching Sessions (45-90 minutes each): Experience in-depth support and accountability with regular sessions that continue until your healing journey is complete.

Personalized Stress Management Techniques: Receive tailored guidance on meditation, breathing exercises, and relaxation strategies from the Nath tradition, designed to manage stress and promote inner peace.

Guided At-Home Panchakarma: Engage in the ultimate Ayurvedic healing and rejuvenation experience with a personalized at-home Panchakarma program—the Magnum Opus of Ayurvedic medicine.

Priority Text/ Email Support: Enjoy fast-tracked responses to your questions and concerns, ensuring you have the support you need when you need it.

Thrive Total Transformation:
Benefits of Panchakarma

1. Deep Detoxification

Toxins (ama) accumulates in the body due to poor digestion, stress, and environmental factors. This detoxification goes deep to work on mental and emotional levels as well. Eliminating these toxins clears the channels in the body for optimal functionality

2. Restores Digestive Fire (Agni)

Agni/ metabolism is seen as the foundation of all health. When digestion is weak or imbalanced, toxins accumulate, leading to disease. Panchakarma rekindles the digestive fire, enabling the body to metabolize food and nutrients more efficiently, while reducing the production of Ama (toxins).

3. Balance the Doshas

Imbalances in the doshas lead to various health issues, from physical discomfort to emotional stress. Panchakarma is a highly personalized treatment that aims to balance the individual’s unique dosha constitution. It does this by addressing deep-rooted imbalances, helping to prevent future illness and maintain long-term health

4. Rejuvenates the Body and Mind

Panchakarma isn’t just about detoxification—it’s also about rejuvenation. After the cleansing process, Ayurvedic rejuvenative therapies (called Rasayana) nourish and restore the body, replenishing energy and vitality. The goal is to “bake-in” the results from all the work done during Panchakarma so that your body is strong and stable to weather the storms of life and maintain health. This results in increased stamina, improved immunity, and a sense of vitality/ vigor.

5. Improves Mental Clarity and Emotional Balance

The body and mind are intimately connected in Ayurveda. By clearing out toxins, balancing the doshas, and nourishing the body, Panchakarma can reduce mental fog, improve focus, and bring about emotional stability. It’s known to alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a sense of inner calm.

6. Enhances Immunity

With the elimination of toxins and the restoration of digestive and immune function, Panchakarma strengthens the body's natural defense mechanisms. This boost in immunity helps the body fend off illness and maintain long-term vitality.

7. Slows Down Aging

Panchakarma has powerful anti-aging effects. By detoxifying the body and rejuvenating tissues, it helps slow down the natural aging process. This is achieved by enhancing the function of the body’s cells, improving skin health, and increasing energy levels.

8. Supports Chronic Disease Management

Panchakarma can play a massive role in managing chronic diseases by addressing the underlying imbalances that contribute to long-term health issues. While it doesn’t “cure” disease in a direct sense, Panchakarma’s detoxification, rejuvenation, and balancing effects can alleviate symptoms and support the body’s natural healing processes. I have healed myself through the use of these tools and have guided dozens of clients through this process to put ‘dis-eases’ behind them such as chronic migraines, indigestion, GERD, IBS, rashes, skin disease, excessive weight, and more.

9. Better Sleep and Rest

Many people report significantly better sleep quality after undergoing Panchakarma. By clearing out toxins and restoring balance to the doshas, the body enters a more restful and restorative sleep cycle. This has a cascading effect on mental and physical health, leading to better mood, energy levels, and overall quality of life.

Ready for everything to change?

Let’s work together so you can see change for the better faster.