Meet Austin Vantastic

My Unconventional Journey to Healing Through Ayurveda

My name is Austin Vantastic and I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
I have a deep passion for helping people unlock the incredible healing power within themselves. My journey to Ayurveda wasn't a philosophical one, it was born out of sheer necessity.

The Wake-Up Call That Led Me to Ayurveda

For months, I battled severe abdominal pain and digestive issues (IBS, GERD, loads of stress, anxiety, and the occasional panic attack). Doctors ran endless tests, but nothing provided answers,  relief, or solutions. It was a frustrating and demoralizing experience. I lost out on work, exhausted my savings, racked up credit and medical debt all in the pursuit of trying to find answers to my broken health. 

Thankfully, fate intervened, and I discovered Ayurveda. This system of medicine absolutely nowhere on my radar. In my pursuit of trying to heal I did try some herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation, all to no avail. 

It wasn't until Ayurveda happened that was able to comprehensively stitch together a combination of diet, herbs, mental and emotional healing that I finally healed. Ayurveda was the missing key that would ultimately unlock true and full healing beyond my imagination.

A Passion Ignited: Deep Ayurveda with a Modern Twist

Today, I'm a certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (equivalent of a Master's degree in Ayurvedic Medicine). I've had the privilege of learning from deeply experienced doctors in both the US and India, and my clinical experience includes over 200 successful client transformations.

My approach to gut health is unique. It blends the wisdom of my teachers, the knowledge gleaned from my studies, and a healthy dose of my own intuition, reflection, and meditation. Ayurvedic practices often purport a slow and steady approach and never giving the client too strong of therapies that their body or mind can't handle. This is extremely important and utmost caution needs to be taken in account when recommending any type of medicine.

That said, I take a "strong" approach to healing. I aim to utilize a powerful combination of Ayurvedic modalities to accelerate healing, using the most potent possible remedies allowable whilst also staying within the realm of reason. There is a beauty in working with the body to explore it's full potential. And, in my personal perception, living in this fast paced world, it feels good to get fast results that are also holistic and sustainable. 


Empowering Others Through a Holistic, Tantric Lens

My passion burns brightest in two areas: educating people around Ayurvedic living principals so that they can better utilize the science in their lives to grow, heal, and navigate on their own. 

My deeper passion is in individual coaching. I love sharing my knowledge and guiding individuals through their personal healing journeys.

However, what truly sets me apart is the integration of Tantric philosophy into my practice. Tantric wisdom allows us to explore imbalances not just in the physical body, but also in the mind and spirit (the emotional body). This holistic view leads to deeper healing and lasting wellbeing.

Ready to Reclaim Your  Health?

When you work with me, you can expect a personalized plan, unwavering support, and a powerful program designed to get you feeling empowered and whole. To have an increase in the joy and flavor of life. 

Don't wait any longer to take control of your health. Let's work together to uncover the root cause of your gut issues and unlock your body's natural healing potential through the power of Ayurveda.