Discover Your True Health Potential with an Ayurvedic Consultation!

The power of Ayurveda can deeply transform your health and well-being. Through a personalized consultation, you’ll receive tailored insights and practical strategies that align with your unique constitution, helping you achieve balance, vitality, and lasting wellness.

What is an Ayurvedic Consultation All About?

An Ayurvedic consultation is a deeply personalized and holistic approach to understanding your unique health needs. Unlike conventional medicine, Ayurveda considers the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—to identify imbalances and create a path toward optimal health. During your consultation, we’ll explore your health history, family health history, lifestyle, daily routines, diet, supplements, medications, and your specific health concerns and goals to uncover the root causes of any imbalances you may be experiencing.

Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique, with a distinct constitution, or dosha, that influences how they interact with the world around them. Whether you’re dealing with digestive issues, stress, fatigue, chronic conditions, or simply want to improve your overall well-being, these consultations are tailored to meet your individual needs.

One question that often comes up when chatting with potential clients is, “What will this look like for me?” It’s a challenging question to fully answer without diving into a sea of examples, because, as we’ve said, every single person is unique. In my 5+ years of practice and after working with over 200 clients, no two people have ever had the same protocol— even when, on paper, their "conditions" appear similar.

I see this as both a strength and a challenge: Most people desire this extensive level of personalized care. However, as humans, we also crave certainty, clarity, and a clear pathway—something our minds can latch onto. The destination can be clearly outlined, and a map can be crafted, but the journey itself must be experienced as it unfolds. It may wind, twist, and turn. This is life, and that’s what makes it beautiful. As you move forward in working with me and healing through Ayurveda, be prepared for things to come up that can’t always be predicted. But rest assured, the tools of Ayurveda offer guidance and answers for navigating the journey at every turn.

Together, we’ll develop a personalized plan that aligns with your dosha, health goals, and lifestyle. This plan will include dietary recommendations, lifestyle adjustments, herbal support, and Ayurvedic practices that are designed to bring you back into balance and support long-term health. The journey begins with understanding your unique constitution, and from there, we create a roadmap to help you achieve vitality, clarity, and peace. 🙏🌿

Benefits of an
Ayurvedic Consultation

An Ayurvedic consultation offers a unique and holistic approach to your health

  • In-Depth Understanding of Your Health Constitution (Dosha): Gain a deeper understanding of your unique dosha and how it influences your health, emotions, and daily life. Knowing your constitution allows for more targeted and effective wellness strategies.

  • Personalized Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations: Receive a customized plan that includes dietary advice, lifestyle adjustments, and daily routines specifically tailored to your dosha and health needs. This personalized approach ensures that your plan aligns with your unique constitution and goals.

  • Strategies to Manage Specific Health Concerns: Whether you’re dealing with digestive issues, stress, fatigue, or other chronic conditions, you’ll receive comprehensive guidance in Ayurvedic Medicine to address all of your specific concerns. Ayurveda provides an extensive framework to heal the body and rid it of disease.

  • Access to Ayurvedic Tools and Practices for Long-Term Wellness: You’ll learn about Ayurvedic herbs, meditation techniques, yoga practices, and other holistic tools that support your journey, all custom designed for you so you don’t have to learn 1000 things to mange, just the right ingredients you need. These practices are designed to empower you to maintain wellness beyond the consultation.


Ayurvedic Consultation Package

Your Best Path to Lasting Wellness

This package is ideal if you’re looking for in-depth support and ongoing guidance to achieve significant health improvements. Over the course of five weeks, we’ll work closely together to address your health concerns and implement sustainable lifestyle changes.

What’s Included:

  • Initial Consultation (90-120 minutes): An in-depth assessment of your health history, current symptoms, dosha analysis, and personalized recommendations.

  • Education Session (~45 minutes): A dedicated session to educate you on Ayurvedic principles, your specific recommendations, and how to implement them into your daily life.

  • Two Follow-Up Sessions (~45 minutes each, spaced two weeks apart): Follow-up sessions to track your progress, make adjustments, and provide ongoing support.

Enjoy the added optional benefit of applying your payment toward a future coaching program.

The Consultation
Package Process

What you can expect working with me from start to finish:

1. Health Intake Form

Once purchased, you’ll receive a pre-consultation form designed to gather essential information about your health history, lifestyle, and goals. This form helps me understand your unique needs and prepares us both for a productive and focused consultation session.

2. Consultation Session

During the consultation session, we’ll dig deep into your health concerns, discuss your dosha and any imbalances. With this information I will be able to develop your personalized plan tailored to your unique constitution and goals.

  • What’s Included:

    • In-depth discussion of your health history, symptoms, and lifestyle

    • Dosha analysis to identify your constitution and any imbalances

3. Education Session

During this session, I will present the results of your initial assessment, including insights into your dosha, imbalances, and the specific protocol I’ve designed to help you achieve your health goals.

This session is crucial for ensuring that the recommendations are practical and tailored to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. We’ll discuss each aspect of the protocol in detail, including dietary suggestions, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments. I’ll explain the reasoning behind each recommendation, helping you understand how these changes will support your overall well-being.

Practical Adjustments: This is a collaborative session where we can make any necessary adjustments to the protocol to ensure it’s realistic and achievable for you. Whether it’s modifying meal plans to fit your schedule, adjusting herbal prescriptions to suit your preferences, or tailoring lifestyle changes to your unique circumstances, we’ll fine-tune it so that it works for you and is still going to achieve your desired results.

4. Follow-Up Support

Ensuring Your Ongoing Success

After your initial consultation, follow-up sessions provide an opportunity to review your progress, make necessary adjustments, and offer continued guidance. These sessions help ensure that you’re on track and provide support as you integrate Ayurvedic principles into your daily routine.

  • Session Covers:

    • Review of your progress since the initial consultation

    • Adjustments to your personalized plan based on your feedback and results

    • Additional recommendations or support as needed

Ready to Transform Your Health? Book Your Consultation Today

Taking the first step towards better health is as simple as booking your Ayurvedic consultation. Whether you’re looking for personalized guidance to address specific health concerns or seeking a comprehensive plan for long-term wellness, now is the time to take action.

Why Choose an Ayurvedic Consultation?

  • Personalized Care: Receive a plan that’s tailored specifically to your unique needs, helping you achieve balance and vitality.

  • Holistic Approach: Address the root causes of your health issues, not just the symptoms, with time-tested Ayurvedic practices.

  • Ongoing Support: Benefit from continuous guidance and adjustments to ensure you’re on the right path to achieving your health goals.

Book Your Consultation in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Choose Your Consultation Package: Select the option that best suits your needs—whether it’s the Comprehensive Consultation Package, the Initial Consultation + Education Session, or a Follow-Up Session.

  2. Schedule Your Appointment: Click the link below to purchase your package and gain access to the booking calendar. Choose a time that works best for you, and you’ll be all set.

  3. Complete the Pre-Consultation Form: Upon purchase, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to the pre-consultation form. Fill this out to provide the necessary background information before our session.

A Few Happy Clients 😊

I have tried every new 'health tactic' out there - alkaline water, coffee enema, fruitarian, etc. I have struggled with Candida for 10+ years. Working with Austin, he got me on the right food and herbs that transformed my digestion SO FAST, few days. And his wise instruction on handling my mind and incorporating meditation into my life has been indispensable. Deep gratitude to you, Austin.

Patrick, Founder, HARA

I had IBS-D and was losing my bowels every morning, 4x or more a day. I knew I needed a solution when I was traveling and seeing one of my clients, and I was just so uncomfortable... I was so amazed working with Austin. The time he took to understand my situation and really diagnose me was above and beyond. His WEALTH of knowledge is amazing. He completely transformed my health and my perception of it! I cannot recommend him enough, thanks Austin!

Caren Paskel, Author, Founder of Self-Evolution Education Foundation, Spiritual Educator and Leader

I have been suffering from frequent anxiety attacks, as many as 6 a week. I also have terrible IBS and acne. When working with Austin my anxiety attacks started reducing week by week to the point I could actually feel excited about the day! And my digestion is soo much better. I am able to eat regularly now and have started to incorporate foods that I once strictly avoided, so great!

Carolyn,  Youth Counselor, KMM

Book Your Ayurvedic
Consultation with Austin🌿

Consultation Package

Initial Consultation (90-120 minutes): An in-depth assessment of your health history, current symptoms, dosha analysis, and personalized recommendations.

Education Session (~45 minutes): A dedicated session to educate you on Ayurvedic principles, your specific recommendations, and how to implement them into your daily life.

Two Follow-Up Sessions (~45 minutes each, spaced two weeks apart): Follow-up sessions to track your progress, make adjustments, and provide ongoing support.